Word Lists for Secure Passphrases |
Formilab.ch word lists: * 3-letter words (0741 entries) * 4-letter words (2478 entries) * 5-letter words (4075 entries) * 6-letter words (5946 entries) * 7-letter words (7016 entries) * 8-letter words (7154 entries) All of the Above, in one list (27,410 entries) WordFind.com Scrabble word lists: * Scrabble 3-letter words (1063 entries) * Scrabble 4-letter words (4030 entries) * Scrabble 5-letter words (8938 entries) * Scrabble 6-letter words (15,788 entries) * Scrabble 7-letter words (24,029 entries) Scrabble All 3-7 letter words (53,848 entries) Other word lists: * 10,000 words (1 to 18 letters) * Electrum word list (2048 entries) * NXT word list (1626 entries) * Siacoin word list (1626 entries) All of the Above as One Master List (65,300 entries) Diceware word lists: * Diceware official word list (7776 entries) * Alan Beale alternate Diceware list (7776 entries) * Combined Diceware list (7776 entries) - Official list plus Beale list minus: entries with non-letter characters, abbreviations, obscure words, entries too similar to other entries, and anything shorter than 3 letters. * Improved Diceware list (7776 entries) - New list - longer words (3 to 10 letters) that are more familiar and easier to remember; choose by throwing 5 dice. * Diceware: All Four Versions (7776 x 4) - a tab-delimited database file, numbered in base 6 from 11111 to 66666, with the Official list, Beale list, Combined list, and Improved list. Choose which of 4 words you prefer for each randomly selected number. Playing Cards Passphrase method: * PCP 10k word list - short (10,000 entries) 3- to 5-letter words; many obscure words; no symbols or digits (other than a dash). List contains 1,000 three-letter words, 4,000 four-letter words, and 5,000 five-letter words. * PCP 10k word list - long (10,000 entries) 3- to 10-letter words; fewer obscure words; no symbols or digits (other than a dash). * Both PCP 10k word lists - choose which of 2 words you prefer for each randomly selected number. 16,281 unique words across the two lists. -- Both PCP 10k word lists in Microsoft Word format (.docx) for printing (24 pages) * PCP 65,555 word list - this longer list allows an 8-word passphrase to have 128-bit security. All three PCP word lists are in the public domain. --- All of the Above as a Zip file --- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) * 7776 wordlist for diceware * short wordlist #1 * short wordlist #2 Hexidecimal Word Lists * 4-hex character word list (65,536 entries) * 3-hex character word list (4,096 entries) Either word list can be used to convert a series of hex characters into a passphrase. The 4096 entry word list can also be used to create a random passphrase. The entries (3 to 6 characters) were chosen for easy memorization. * 4,096 word list (numbered in decimal format) A passphrase with 12 words from a list with 4096 entries provides 144 bits of entropy (meaning that 2^144 is size of the keyspace). Online Random Word or Phrase Generators: * Street and Road Name Generator - Take 85,000 unique street names. Sprinkle with suffixes and prefixes. Millions of combinations are possible. * City & Town Name Generator - uses a database of over five million names across more than 100 countries. * Modern Name Generator - randomly selects from 150,000 surnames and over 4000 female and 1200 male first names. For 128-bit security (128 bits of entropy), with no repeated words in the passphrase, you need one of the following: * a word list with 927 entries and a 13-word passphrase * a word list with 1,632 entries and a 12-word passphrase * a word list with 3,189 entries and an 11-word passphrase * a word list with 7,137 entries and a 10-word passphrase * a word list with 19,117 entries and a 9-word passphrase * a word list with 65,540 entries and an 8-word passphrase Secure Password and Passphrase Resources | Best Practices for Provably Secure Passphrases |